6 Reasons Why Association Management Software is Awesome

Be a hero when you have instant access to information at board meetings or association events.

Having worked in the association management business for nearly 60 years, we’ve seen it all when it comes to tools and tricks for getting the job done. As technology has advanced, so too have our processes – we developed our very own association management software (AMS) solution. Using AMS has improved our efficiency and the quality of our association management work beyond measure, and now we can’t imagine life without it!

If your non-profit is currently weighing up the pros and cons of adopting an AMS system, here are a few reasons we believe you would benefit from saying ‘yes’ to AMS!

1. Quick Access to Member Information

There’s nothing worse for your association’s reputation, and your staff stress levels, than having to search through folders and files to assist members with their requests. When a member calls to change their contact information they expect this to be done quickly, and the update should apply to all aspects of their interaction with the association. Rather than changing the information on multiple spreadsheets – member lists, email lists etc – a good AMS solution allows you to update everything instantly and in one place, reducing the possibility of error. Even better, your members should be able to make these updates themselves via the association website, meaning they won’t even need to contact your office. This saves time for both you and your members – everyone’s happy!

2. Access Association Data from any Location or Device

Good AMS solutions allow your association staff to work from any location and manage operations in real time. Association databases such as Dash are hosted in the cloud, meaning all you need is an internet connection to log in and have instant access to member accounts, event management information, finance reports, invoices and more. You can boost your productivity by finishing work while travelling to and from meetings, and be a hero when you have instant access to information at board meetings or events.

3. Automated and Centralized Operations, from Event Attendance to eMarketing

A good association management software solution will integrate all of your processes on one platform – this means membership, events, credit card processing, emarketing, accounting, website updates and more. For example, when you create a new event in Dash, the information will automatically display on your website event calendar and the website will recognize members, non-members and sponsors and charge them the appropriate ticket rate. You can then monitor registrations, event invoices and finance reports all in the same area of Dash.

Similarly, when a member logs in to the website, their entire membership history, event attendance history, and invoice and receipt records are viewable all in one place.

Good AMS solutions will also integrate with your marketing processes – Dash records members’ subscriptions to mailing lists and updates these in your eblast delivery software.

All of this means less stress for your staff and your members. Everything is easy to find, easy to use and accessible anywhere – and you know the information is safe and secure in the cloud.

4. Save Time and Money – Essential for Your Non-Profit!

Time is money. With a centralized AMS solution, your processes are happening automatically and behind the scenes. When human intervention is required, a good AMS system will send an alert to your staff – for example, an email notification when a job posting needs approval, or an alert message on the Dash homepage when a membership application needs approval. This gives your staff confidence that they will know about any tasks that need their attention, without having to do manual checks.

5. Improve Your Non-Profit Association’s Image

A good association management software solution will include a mobile friendly website that fully integrates with your back end database. For example, members should not have to click through to a third party site to register for your events. With integrated AMS, your website will look slicker and more professional and members will be thankful that they can sign up for membership, register for events and browse your resources from any type of device. Non-members visiting your website for the first time will be more likely to sign up when they see how user friendly and visually appealing your site is.

What’s more, people will be more likely to find your association website in the first place if it is mobile friendly and incorporates SEO tools such as metatags and keywords. Google recently changed its search algorithm to take into account mobile friendliness – has your association adapted accordingly?

6. And Finally…Help the Environment!

AMS allows your association to reduce its carbon footprint by managing operations online, thereby reducing paperwork. There is no need for paper filing, paper membership certificates, paper invoices or paper event tickets – all can be delivered online through good AMS solutions. With Dash, board and committee reports can also be stored electronically on the ‘Virtual Boardroom’ tool, meaning there is no need to file them in dusty boxes for years to come. Every little helps!

Contact us to find out more about how the right AMS solution can transform your association for the better.

About the Author

Holly McCluskey is the Communications and Marketing Manager at Dashboard. Dashboard is a 360 degree, customizable association management software solution. We don’t just build Dash—our operations staff use it every single day to manage the operations of 17 non-profit associations. Explore our site to find out more.

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